One day I had a dream...
And this dream, today is real.
And I know what I need to do.
But I feel fear, beacuse the rest of my people is not here...
They are in another places, enjoying her beautiful moments
And I think...
What I need to do?
I want all of them here, together,
close to me...
I don't need more chances
This is my time, my moment, but I don't wanna be great alone...
Because in a lonely life I will have too many lonely nights...
And I can't feel good in this conditions
I need my friends, my brothers, my lovers, my family...
I know the secrets of the Universe. I can change my roads...
I know... but I don't know why.
the names are in the table
everything is about numbers
and I'm a legend with the numbers...
It is just a give
my lord, knows my secrets, but... he gives me more to know...
and, this maybe is a story of fake emotions
but is not false.
Everything is true.
And I don't know something...
Why for me?
Why with me?
Why in me?
This maybe is a game of words for you... This is the tip to clear the truth.
And, I know my english is too bad... but is mine. So... Is not relevant.
The IFs, the ELSEs, the WHILEs, the DOs, these are bases of the words.
Of the countries, and the towns.
I need to close the door. And finish the puzzle
in my hands...
I'm weird, I know... I'm so fucking weird...
But I love you till the end.


One day I had a dream... And this dream, today is real. And I know what I need to do. But I feel fear, beacuse the rest of my people is n...